Tag Archives: Seniors

Zach // Tacoma // Senior Photography
I tell ya. Kids these days, or rather I say seniors they get cooler and cooler! Here is one of them and he happens to beView full post »

Madison // Tacoma // Senior Photography
Madison and I met back in January to do her senior portraits, although it was winter time… We had amazing light toView full post »

Ashley // Puyallup HS Senior // Tacoma Photography
I photographed a friend of Ashley’s back in the fall who happens to be one of our awesome senior reps for 2014,View full post »

Lauren // Curtis HS Senior // Tacoma Photography
I met Lauren and her mom a few years ago at the Orthdontic office I used to work at and since then they have seen myView full post »

Ethan // Tacoma // Senior Photography
Ethan. What a stud. I have known him and his family for a while now, we go back. I sure love him and his family tons!View full post »

{Rachel} Senior Portraits; Tacoma, WA
Rachel was one of our winners who responded to our FB contest to get senior photos done! It took a while for us to getView full post »